Mathematics is the science of numbers and their combinations, operations, generalizations, and abstractions. Physics is a comprehensive natural science dealing with the interaction of matter and energy.

Explore Careers
According to Vault, mathematics and physics research can be divided into the following areas:
Applied Mathematics
Applied mathematicians “use mathematical theories and principles to address real-world problems. They might create mathematical models to calculate the characteristics of new products, systems, or population trends.”
Theoretical Mathematics
Theoretical mathematicians work with pure and abstract mathematical concepts to expand and define the scope of mathematical knowledge.”
Experimental Physics
Experimental physics uses experiments to gather information.
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical physics constructs theories to explain experimental results.
To explore specific careers see, as well as options other than research for mathematics and physics majors see:
Vault is a platform that offers resources for your specific career path, including job search tips, opportunities, and information on employers within your industry of choice. Simply log in with LinkedIn or create an account using your Colgate email address.
Prepare for Jobs and Internships
Information, tips, and strategies to help prepare you as an undergraduate.
- Visit government laboratories or research centers to learn more about opportunities in the field. Schedule informational interviews to learn about the profession and specific career paths.
- Join relevant professional associations. Attend meetings and stay up-to-date on research/publications.
- Stay informed of new developments and current trends in the field.
- Participate in summer research institutes. Submit research to local poster competitions or research symposiums.
- A willingness to relocate is helpful due to limited opportunities in specialized areas.
- Oral and written communication and interpersonal skills for sharing findings and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams
- Computer skills and the ability to use scientific instruments and equipment
- Critical thinking
- Problem diagnosis and solving
- American Astronomical Society
- American Geophysical Union
- American Institute of Mathematics
- American Institute of Physics
- American Mathematical Society
- American Physical Society
- Association for Women in Mathematics
- Biophysical Society
- Clay Mathematics Institute
- Institute of Physics
- International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
- Mathematical Association of America
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Society of Actuaries
Find Opportunities
- American Mathematical Society Listing of Internships and Co-Op Opportunities
- American Physical Society Careers Center
- Math-Jobs
- A list of mathematics and physics job offerings in the United States and abroad.
- Pathway to Science Lists paid summer research and internships, scholarship opportunities, post-baccalaureate programs, and short-term opportunities.
- Physics Jobs Online
- Physics Today Jobs From the American Institute of Physics; search by sector, degree, type of position, and more.
- Mathematics/Engineering/IT postings frequently updated with links to applications for jobs in mathematics, engineering, and IT.
- Vault is a platform that offers resources for your specific career path, including job search tips, opportunities, and information on employers within your industry of choice. Simply log in with LinkedIn or create an account using your Colgate email address.
Colgate Handshake Opportunities
Check Colgate Handshake, Colgate's internship and job database, for opportunities that may interest you in this field.
Connect to Careers
Latest stories about internships, workshops, professional networks, and more.