• Bombus Ternarius (Tricolored Bumble Bee aka Orange-Belted Bumble Bee), taken by M. McGeary '24
    Matthew McGeary ’24 studies bumblebee population decline at Rogers Environmental Center.
    September 14, 2023
  • The Search for Safe Haven: Global, Regional and Local Dimensions of Refugee and Forced Migrations
    Professor Ellen Kraly giving her Reunion College lecture, "The Search for Safe Haven: Global, Regional and Local Dimensions of Refugee and Forced Migrations" on Friday, June 2, 2023.
    August 7, 2023
  • Deo Ac Veritati carved in stone
    A brief summary of Professor William Meyer's article on “Nature, Society, and Conjoint Constitution,” which appeared earlier this year in the journal Geographical Review.
    July 7, 2023
  • Dr. LaToya Eaves with Professor Ellen Kraly
    The first Gould talk since the start of the COVID pandemic was delivered by Dr. LaToya Eaves, which centers questions of race, Blackness, gender, sexualities, and place - especially in terms of the US South and Southeast.
    April 28, 2023
  • Nighttime campfire in the Australian Outback
    Fragmented thoughts from the Australia Study Group, Fall 2022 as written by Professor Adam Burnett, Geography and Environmental Studies
    March 14, 2023