• (Note: These are the edited remarks of Colgate Trustee Gus P. Coldebella ‘91 at a May 19th ceremony for seniors on the men’s lacrosse team who could not attend commencement because they were competing in the NCAA Tournament in Philadelphia.) Thank you for that kind introduction. In reflecting on why I was invited to participate in […]
    May 21, 2012
  • Mark Murphy at commencement
    Life, it turns out, isn’t always what it is cracked up to be, even for the president of one of the most well-known franchises in the history of professional sports. Mark H. Murphy ’77, president and CEO of the Green Bay Packers, said that in addition to making sure  MVP quarterback Aaron Rodgers is happy, […]
    May 20, 2012
  • (Note: The following is President Jeffrey Herbst’s prepared remarks to the Class of 2012 for Colgate’s 191st commencement.) Please join me in congratulating the Class of 2012! Now, will all the parents and grandparents please stand.  The students, are, of course, responsible for the considerable achievements necessary for graduation.  However, they could not have arrived […]
    May 20, 2012
  • (Note: These are prepared remarks by Mark Murphy ’77, president and CEO of the Green Bay Packers and former football captain and athletics director at Colgate, for Colgate’s 191st commencement. Thank you, President Herbst and the Board of Trustees, for inviting me to speak today.  To the other award recipients, I am awed and humbled […]
    May 20, 2012
  • Eboo Patel
    (Note: These are prepared remarks by Eboo Patel for the baccalaureate service held Saturday, May 19, in Memorial Chapel. Patel is the founder and executive director of Interfaith Youth Core and a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.) The Holiness of Common GroundIn the early […]
    May 20, 2012