• An Inside Higher Education article titled “Tweet Smart, Tweet Often” talks about the social media strategy for athletes at Colgate University. “People who use social media should have a goal,” said Colgate’s Manager of Media Communications Matt Hames. “…Use Twitter, use social media in a positive way. Understand that you have a goal. Think of […]
    August 20, 2013
  • This summer, Colgate’s internship blog series is following students working for notable companies in a diverse array fields. As fall term approaches and they leave their desks or offices for the last time, interns will probably be left wondering how to continue to make the most of the contacts and resources acquired during their summer […]
    August 17, 2013
  • Colgate Reads: read a book, discuss the book. The program is a way of facilitating discussion, sharing thoughts, and sparking literary curiosity. A quick visit to the program’s online forum proves that its goal has been achieved, but you can also see its influence in more surprising venues – Facebook, for one. Discussion of George […]
    August 15, 2013
  • During the Year of ’13 Colgate has been covered by the global media more than ever. From picturesque Hamilton, N.Y., to Perth, Australia, students, faculty, and staff have been featured by major media outlets for their expertise and compelling stories. This month’s Year of ’13 list focuses on a some of the fantastic media coverage, […]
    August 13, 2013
  • Over the past four years, scores of successful alumni entrepreneurs have shared their knowledge and experience with Colgate students who aspire to start their own businesses or not-for-profit organizations. One Saturday a month, alumni and students have worked side by side, teaching and learning about how to take an idea to reality —  from how […]
    August 12, 2013
  • Colgate students are sharing their experiences conducting research with faculty members on campus and in the field. This post is by economics and geography double major Chris Esposito ’14, of Santa Cruz, Calif.. I remember a striking quotation from Paul Krugman, the Nobel laureate and New York Times columnist. Usually academics write carefully and with […]
    August 12, 2013
  • Colgate students, interning this summer at companies such as NBCUniversal, Hukkster, Nike, and Facebook, are sharing their experiences. This post is written by Pam Duncan ’14 at the Museum of Modern Art. This summer, I am interning on the Special Programming and Events team at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. […]
    August 9, 2013