Campus Life

  • MLK Celebration banner
    To commemorate the legacy and life of civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Africana, Latin, Asian, and Native American (ALANA) Cultural Center organized a 10-day series of events in collaboration with offices and departments across campus.
    February 19, 2021
  • Campus on a fall day
    Colgate University is an inaugural member of a new consortium of liberal arts colleges and universities finding creative solutions for addressing issues of racial equity and diversity on campus. 
    November 18, 2020
  • Colgate Vote Project icon
    Historically, young adults have the lowest rate of voter turnout of all groups. In 2016, only 48% of Colgate students voted. The Colgate Vote Project — a student volunteer organization — hopes to change that.
    October 8, 2020
  • Professor Holm works at a wastewater collection site on campus.
    One of the facets of Colgate University’s strategy to detect signs of SARS-CoV2 on campus is the broad use of wastewater testing to find any early indications of spreading coronavirus. The plan received national attention, with news outlets like CBS mentioning the effort as a stand out among many of the college reopening plans across the country. 
    September 24, 2020
  • Deo Ac Veritati inscribed on stone shield
    Esther Rosbrook, assistant director of Colgate University’s ALANA Cultural Center, will assume the director position on June 1. She is currently serving as the center’s assistant director.
    May 15, 2020