During their three-year residency, Contemporaneous will provide numerous opportunities to work with campus and community members, including playing alongside students in workshops focused on improvisation.
George Dorland Langdon Jr. Professor of History Graham Hodges is the recipient of a new National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) teaching grant to share his abolition and Underground Railroad historical expertise with middle school and high school teachers from across the country.
In spring 2023, students in Assistant Professor of Music Ryan Chase’s MUSI 245: Composition class had the opportunity to collaborate with the New York City–based Contemporaneous Ensemble.
Manhattan DA’s office credits Elizabeth Marlow, associate professor of art and art history, with “investigative support” leading to the seizure of ancient bronze statues.
“‘It was a shrine to the imperial cult,’ said Elizabeth Marlowe, director of the museum studies program at Colgate University, who has tracked the statue’s history.”
On the latest episode of 13, professor Carolyn Guile, with eight members of her ARTS 475 senior seminar course, share thesis topics from their semester-long effort to uncover the hidden history of some of the world’s most interesting artists and their work.
Colgate faculty members representing languages, philosophy, computer science, and biology gathered in the Hall of Presidents on Nov. 17 to discuss ideas for collaboration through the Robert H.N. Ho Mind, Brain, and Behavior Initiative (MBBI).
November 4–5, Colgate University hosted scholars from around the world for “Reuniting the Tamil Yoginis II: Planning the Exhibition,” a symposium to discuss the future exhibition of 14 Yogini goddess sculptures from the 9th and 10th century.
Colgate will host a special panel with members of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), Wednesday, October 26, titled Exposing War Crimes in Syria and the Connection to the Ukraine Crisis.