
  • Persson Hall with fall foliage
    Colgate students and faculty played the role of Supreme Court Justices, sans robes, during a debate on the legacy of one of the most controversial cases heard by America’s highest court in recent years. The September 25 forum titled “After Masterpiece Cakeshop: Liberty and Equality in the Mix,” honored Constitution Day by examining the aftermath […]
    October 3, 2018
  • Students walk outside of Case Library in the fall
    New international agreements with universities in Geneva, Italy, and Japan will provide Colgate students with exciting new ways to expand and deepen their educational opportunities both on campus and abroad starting in 2019. A five-year joint AB-MA program with the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) now offers students the ability to […]
    September 19, 2018
  • While Shannon Duffy ’21 listened to a French tour guide describe the atrocities that took place at a site in the southern town of Collioure, she felt an overwhelming sense of “confliction.” The cheerful atmosphere of the region surrounding her starkly contrasted with its tragic, yet rarely discussed, history. An undeclared environmental biology major from […]
    August 31, 2018
  • Students seen studying through the windows of the Persson Hall bridge, with Colgate Memorial Chapel reflected on the windows
    Colgate students will now have the opportunity to apply for special 10-week paid summer internships with major companies located in Germany, thanks to the university’s new membership in the German American Exchange (GAE).
    July 25, 2018
  • Professor of Psychology Carrie Keating
    Colgate Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Department of Psychology Carrie Keating told the Washington Post that she was, “almost slack-jawed with amazement by the end of President Trump’s news conference with Russian leader Vladimir Putin Monday.” Keating, whose research focuses on nonverbal and physiognomic elements of social dominance, influence, power, status, leadership, and […]
    July 17, 2018
  • During the summer, Colgate students are applying their liberal arts know-how in a variety of real-world settings, and they are keeping our community posted on their progress. Economics and international relations double major Heather Fredrick ’20, of Montrose, Colorado, shares her internship experience as a researcher for Colgate’s Living Writers course.   When I first chose Colgate, I […]
    July 9, 2018