Wanda Warren Berry
- BA, 1954, Boston University
- MDiv., 1957, Yale University
- PhD, 1982 Syracuse University
- 1977–present, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York
- 2003–present, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, emerita
- 2003–2004, Director of Women’s Studies
- 1996–2003, Professor of Philosophy and Religion [part-time]
- 1995–1997, Director of Affirmative Action
- 1988, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion [part-time]
- 1982, Assistant Director of Great Britain Study Group
- 1982–1988, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion [part-time]
- 1982–1985, Director of Affirmative Action
- 1977–1982, Instructor in Philosophy and Religion [part-time]
- 1976–1977 State University of New York College at Cortland, Lecturer in Philosophy
- 1967–1971 Colgate University, Hamilton, New York, Instructor in Philosophy and Religion [part-time]
- 1966-1967 Cazenovia College, Cazenovia, New York, Lecturer in Philosophy
- 1962-1966, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York, Special Instructor in Philosophy and Religion
- Phi Beta Kappa - Boston University, 1954
- Danforth Graduate Fellowship for Women, 1972 (-1982)
- Theta Chi Beta - Syracuse University [Religion Honorary], 1978
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, 1985: "Kierkegaard on Sexuality, Love, and Personal Identity," Atlanta, GA
- Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation's 1986 summer institute on "Interpreting the Humanities," Geneva, NY
- 1993 Vice-President/President-elect, Søren Kierkegaard Society
- 1994 President, Søren Kierkegaard Society
- Steering Committee, "Kierkegaard, Religion, and Culture Group" of the American Academy of Religion, 1993-1999, Co-chair, 1997-1999
- Sidney J. and Florence Felton French Teaching Award, 2003, Colgate University
- Colgate AAUP Professor of the Year, 2018
"The Binocular Vision: The Philosophical and Religious Imagination in W. H. Auden's Critical Essays," Soundings, Summer 1976 (Vol. LIX, No. 2, 164-185).
"Eternal Feminine or New Woman?" (A Critical Review of Rosemary Radford Ruether's New Woman/New Earth and Sheila Collins' A Different Heaven and Earth), Cross Currents, Fall 1975 (Vol. XXV, No. 3, 309-313).
"Images of Sin and Salvation in Feminist Theology," Anglican Theological Review, January 1978 (Vol. LX, No. 1, 25-54).
"Kierkegaard's Existential Dialectic: The Temporal Becoming of the Self", The Journal of Religious Thought, Vol. 38 (Spring-Summer 1981), No. 1, 20-41.
"Nietzsche's Dialectical Aesthetic in The Birth of Tragedy", Studies in the Humanities, Vol. 9, No. 2 (September 1982), 40-46.
"Judaism Without Covenant: Breslauer on Buber," Jewish Social Studies, Winter 1983, (Vol. XLV, No. 1, 31-42).
"The Dialectics of Affirmative Action," The Christian Century, November 30, 1983 (Vol. 100, No. 36, 1106-1110). Reprinted in an abridged version as "Affirmative Action Is Just" in Social Justice: Opposing Viewpoints (St. Paul, MN: Greenhaven Press, 1984).
"Feminist Theology: The `Verbing' of Ultimate/Intimate Reality in Mary Daly," Ultimate Reality and Meaning: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Philosophy of Understanding, September 1988 (Vol. 11, No. 3, 212-232).
- Reprinted in Feminist Interpretations of Mary Daly, eds. Sarah Lucia Hoagland and Marilyn Frye (University Park, PAS: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000), 27-54.
"The Alchemy of Forgiveness", Plumbline: A Journal of Ministry in Higher Education, March 1991, (Vol. 19, Issue 1, 20-22).
"Finally Forgiveness: Kierkegaard as a `Springboard' for a Feminist Theology of Reform" in Foundations of Kierkegaard's Vision of Community: Religion, Ethics, and Politics in Kierkegaard, edited by George B. Connell and C. Stephen Evans (Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1992), 196-217.
"Kierkegaard and Feminism: Apologetic, Repetition, and Dialogue" Kierkegaard in Dialogue, eds. Merold Westphal and Martin Matustik (Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana U. Press, 1995), 110-124.
"The Heterosexual Imagination and Aesthetic Existence in Kierkegaard's Either/Or, Part One", International Kierkegaard Commentary, vol. 3 (Macon, GA: Mercer U. Press, 1995), 201-228.
- Re-printed in Feminist Interpretations of Kierkegaard, eds. Sylvia Walsh and Céline Léon, (University Park PA: Pennsylvania University Press, 1997) 25-49.
"Judge William Judging Woman: Essentialism and Existentialism in Kierkegaard's Either/Or, Part Two", International Kierkegaard Commentary, vol. 4 (Macon, GA: Mercer U. Press, 1995), 33-57.
"The Silent Woman in Kierkegaard's Later Religious Writings," in Feminist Interpretations of Kierkegaard, eds. Sylvia Walsh and Céline Léon (University Park PA: Pennsylvania University Press, 1997) 287-306.
Review of The Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard, eds. Alastair Hannay and Gordon Marino (Cambridge University Press, 1998) in The Archiv Fur Geschichte Der Philosophie, 81. Bd., S. 349-351 Walter de Gruster 1999.
“The Wreath of Eternity: Marriage as Paradigm of Covenant Love in Kierkegaard and Buber,” International Kierkegaard Commentary, volume 10 on Three Discourses on Imagined Occasions, ed. Robert L Perkins (Macon, GA: Mercer U. Press, 2006) 289-320.
“Practicing Liberation: Feminist and Womanist Dialogues with Kierkegaard’s Practice in Christianity,” International Kierkegaard Commentary, volume 20, ed. Robert L Perkins (Macon, GA: Mercer U. Press, 2004) 303-341.
“To Be the Truth Is the Only True Explanation of What Truth Is: Gilleleie and the Twenty-First Century,” Why Kierkegaard Matters: A Festschrift in Honor of Robert L. Perkins, eds. Marc A Jolley & Edmon L. Rowell, Jr, (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2010) 17-37.
Two items in Women and Religion, Philosophy and Feminism: the Colgate Heritage in Honor of Professors Marilyn Thie and Wanda Warren Berry, edited by Christopher Vecsey (Hamilton NY: Colgate University Press, 2019). Chapter 7: ”Reflections on Women and Religion”, pp. 79-94 and “Hoping With Our Feet: Forty Years of Women at Colgate and Beyond”, pp. 103-117.
- General Education:
- Philosophy and Religion; Philosophy, Religion, and Literature; Philosophy, Religion, and Drama
- Roots of Western Civilization
- Western Traditions: Continuity and Change
- Introduction to Philosophy (Cazenovia College and SUNY Cortland)
- Introduction to Religion
- Introduction to Women's Studies
- Contemporary Issues and Values
- First-Year Seminars:
- Contemporary Issues and Values
- Meaning in Drama: Images of Human Existence in Classical and Contemporary Theater
- Commitment vs. Cynicism: Modern Experiences of Faith and Despair
- January Projects:
- Philosophical and Religious Issues in Tolstoy's War and Peace
- Hedonism and Its Critics
- Religion and Literature: Drama and Human Existence
- Religion and Psychology
- Women and Religion
- Women's Lives and the Religious Traditions
- Feminist and Womanist Religious Thought
- Women's Studies Seminar: Feminism and Authorship: Mary Daly and Rosemary Radford Ruether
- Major Religious Authors Seminar: Rosemary Radford Ruether
- Major Religious Authors Seminar: Søren Kierkegaard
- Major Religious Authors Seminar: Religious Existentialists: Kierkegaard and Buber
- Love/Power/Justice: Social Ethics and Religious Faith
- (Spring 2002) Philosophy and Faith (seminar)
- Many Independent Studies and Honors Projects on a variety of topics.
in latter part of time at Colgate
- Department of Philosophy and Religion
- Recording Secretary (several years)
- Honors and Awards Committee (several times)
- Chair, Search Committee (Jewish Studies) 1992-93
- Search Committee (Early Christian Literature), 1993-1994
- Chair, Search Committee (Philosophy of Religion- one year) 2001
- Faculty Nominating Committee
- Bolton House (Women's Studies House) Advisor/Faculty Fellow
- Special Committee to Draft Sexual Harassment Policy
- Residential Life Committee
- Women's Studies Advisory Committee
- Faculty Affairs Committee, 1991–1994
- Academic Affairs Board, 1994–97, Secretary, 1995–97
- Committee on Academic Advising 1996–97
- Committee Service as Director of Affirmative Action, 1995–1997
- Faculty Committee on Affirmative Action Oversight
- Staff Committee on Affirmative Action Oversight
- ALANA (Minority) Affairs Committee
- Sexual Issues Group
- Sexual Harassment Panel 1997–1999
- Department of Philosophy and Religion Committee on Honors: Member and Chair numerous times
- Steering Committee, Center for Ethics and World Societies, 2000–
- Research Council, Spring 2002
- Promotion and Tenure Committee, one year in late 1990s or early 2000s
- Hospice Volunteer (approximately 2005–2011)
- Literacy Tutor, Madison County Reads Ahead (about five years?)
- Town of Hamilton Democratic Committee
- Chair, (2006(?)–2011/12)
- Secretary, 2012–?
- Member Madison County Democratic Committee, circa 2007–2018
- Chair, Website and Publicity Committee 2016–2018
- New Yorkers for Verified Voting, 2005–2011?
- Board of Directors: 2005–
- Executive Director 2008–?
(Included here are presentations after 1995 that might be of continuing interest.)
Invited Address to the Annual Banquet of the Søren Kierkegaard Society (November 17, 1995), Philadelphia PA. "Sarah's Presence: Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling In A Different Voice."
Humanities Colloquium, Colgate University “Sarah’s Presence: Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling In a Different Voice,” Spring 1996.
Response to Arnold Come’s, “The Implications of Soren Kierkegaard’s View of Sexuality and Gender for an Appraisal of Homosexuality”, Third International Kierkegaard Conference, at the Howard V. and Edna H. Hong Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, June 1997.
Women’s Studies Presentation, “Religiopolitics vs. The Culture of Disbelief: Silencing Women Again?” February 1999
Response to Sylvia Walsh’s paper, “Kierkegaard’s Erotic Hermeneutics as a Proto-feminist Alternative to Hegelian, Nietzschean and Derridean-Deconstructive Hermeneutics”, Fourth International Kierkegaard Conference, Howard V. and Edna H. Hong Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, June 2001.
“The Faiths of Others and the Works of Love: Toward a Kierkegaardian Religious Pluralism,” Kierkegaard, Religion and Culture Group, American Academy of Religion, November 2001, Denver, CO.
Presentations at the Women’s Studies Center, Colgate University:
- 2003? “What’s in a Name: Problematics of Women’s Names….
- 2003, “Hoping With Our Feet: 45 Years of Women at Colgate.”
- 2014 Panel presentation on the 20th Anniversary of the Women’s Studies, “How I Came to Direct Women’s Studies.”
Presentation to Colgate University symposium, April 11, 2018, “Women and Religion, Philosophy and Feminism: The Colgate Heritage in Honor of Professors Marilyn Thie and Wanda Warren Berry
Many articles at https://sites.google.com/site/nyvvarchive e.g.:
- “History” and “Accomplishments” of New Yorkers for Verified Voting
- “Eyes Wide Open: The Real Situation in New York,” (summer, 2008)
- “Good News from Minnesota: New York Has Selected the Right Voting System”, Dec. 14, 2008
- “The Charade of Voting Machine Demonstrations”
Jointly authored with Bo Lipari e.g.:
- “Accessible Voting and Paper Ballot/Ballot Marker/Optical Scan Voting Systems” April 13,2006.
- “Scanner and DRE Voting Machine Problems Are Not Equal”, Sept. 25 2006
- “Public Comment on the Onondaga County Board of Elections Cost Comparison of 2007
Numerous Letters to Editor and op eds in local, regional, and national journals