• The news has been inundated with stories about refugees — in the United States and abroad. With a burgeoning refugee community in Utica (approximately one-fourth of the population is made up of refugee families), which is located less than 30 miles from the Colgate campus, students and professors are finding ways to help.
    September 30, 2015
  • A world-class education has been a Colgate hallmark for nearly 200 years, and now the university aims to make this life-changing experience even more accessible thanks to joining the Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success. The new coalition brings together more than 80 public and private colleges and universities across the United States in an […]
    September 28, 2015
  • How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America book cover
    An interdisciplinary series of events kicks off this week, addressing themes raised in this year’s Colgate Community Reads book, How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America by Kiese Laymon. Colgate Community Reads 2015 is intended to transform the traditional first-year summer reading assignment into a community-wide discussion, according to Jeff Bary, associate professor […]
    September 23, 2015
  • Chapel at nighttime
    A hush of mourning covered the academic quad this evening as the Colgate community gathered to grieve the deaths of first-year students Cathryn Depuy and Ryan Adams. The silence was punctuated by words of comfort, songs of hope, and 13 chimes from the chapel bell. “Our lives are intertwined,” said Interim President Jill Harsin. “Some of […]
    September 21, 2015
  • Colgate Memorial Chapel
      The Colgate community is mourning tragic news that two students, Cathryn (Carey) Depuy ’19 and Ryan Adams ’19, both of Ridgefield, Conn., died Sunday afternoon in a plane crash in Morrisville, N.Y., after taking off from Hamilton Municipal Airport. No further details are available at this time. For Colgate students affected by this difficult news, […]
    September 20, 2015
  • Scenic photo of the Academic Quad
    Somewhere, Colgate’s 13 founders are smiling. Those forward-looking benefactors, who launched a university with $13 and 13 prayers, would be proud to know that Colgate received $45.8 million for financial aid, academic programs, the arts, athletics, facilities, and more during Fiscal Year 2015. That is a lucky 13 percent increase over Fiscal Year 2014. Another […]
    September 10, 2015
  • The Machine Project
    Ten artists, performers, and innovators will visit Colgate and the Village of Hamilton throughout the fall semester to usher in a new experience in community-driven performance and display. And they need your help. Perfect Strangers: Machine Project and the Hamiltonians will unfold from the week of September 8 to November 13 on campus and at […]
    September 8, 2015
  • Last week, with the arrival of the Class of 2019, Colgate launched its first residential commons. Students, faculty, and staff gathered in Memorial Chapel on August 27 to commemorate the moment. Then, they joined in an open-house celebration at their newly renovated upper-campus residence: Curtis and Drake halls. Faculty Co-director Rebecca Shiner, professor of psychology, greeted […]
    September 3, 2015