• Samantha Radocchia '11 at her company, Chronicled Inc.
    It started with sneakers and fine art. Samantha Radocchia ’11 and her colleagues had an idea: to develop a microchip for upscale products, from limited-edition Air Jordans to an original Matisse.
    February 23, 2017
  • The Shootin' It with Matt Langel Logo
    In the ninth episode of his new bi-weekly podcast, Shootin’ It with Matt Langel, Colgate’s head men’s basketball coach welcomed Brendan Tuohey ’96, the co-founder and executive director of PeacePlayers International.
    February 16, 2017
  • Colgate's campus scene from afar amidst fall foliage
    This message was written to members of the Colgate campus community by President Brian W. Casey President Trump’s recent executive order, which unjustly restricts the movement of citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries, impedes Colgate’s educational mission and attacks our university’s — and this nation’s — core values. In the current moment, when there is […]
    February 9, 2017
  • Architect's sketch of Benton Hall
    This spring, Colgate University is beginning new construction designed to enhance the student experience in two key areas: the residential living-learning environment and career development. “Our buildings play a significant role in how students live and learn at Colgate,” said President Brian W. Casey. “These magnificent new additions will contribute greatly to the ways in […]
    February 3, 2017
  • Portraits of Eli Cousin and Ryan Zoellner
    USA Today writes in an editor’s note: Under usual circumstances, Eli Cousin and Ryan Zoellner could not be more different in their political views. Both are undergraduates at Colgate University, both serve on the student senate there, and both are frequent contributors to what are intended to be diametrically opposed political columns in The Colgate […]
    February 3, 2017
  • This Torch Medal is given to Pilar Barrera, Senior Lecturer in Spanish, by Molly Emmett ’12. Torch Medals honor a Colgate faculty or staff member who made a meaningful impact on an alum during their time at Colgate. Alumni in the reunion classes of 2007 and 2012 are invited to give a Torch Medal, delivered […]
    February 1, 2017