Jennifer LeMesurier

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Jennifer LeMesurier

Associate Professor of Writing and Rhetoric

Department/Office Information

Writing and Rhetoric
213A Lathrop Hall

Jennifer Lin LeMesurier's current research focuses on how rhetorics surrounding food, eating, and cuisine influence Asian and Asian American identity and agency. Her monograph, Inscrutable Eating: Asian Appetites and the Rhetorics of Racial Consumption, offers a heuristic for understanding how rhetorical arguments around race are deeply interconnected with how we talk about food and consumption. 

Previous work, including articles in College Composition and Communication, Peitho, POROI, Rhetoric Review, and Rhetoric Society Quarterly, analyzes the interchange of discourse and embodiment in dance, choreography, and pedagogy

Currently, Jennifer is the book review editor for Present Tense and on the editorial boards of Capacious, Quarterly Journal of Speech, and Xchanges. Media appearances include Inverse, Meant to Be Eaten, The Academic Minute, and This American Life.

Follow her on Twitter @rhetorologist

  • PhD in English, Language and Rhetoric
    University of Washington
  • Master of Arts in English 
    University of Washington
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication
    Bachelor of Arts in Dance
    University of Washington
  • Affect theory
  • Composition pedagogy
  • Cultural studies
  • Embodiment 
  • Genre theory
  • Rhetorical criticism
  • 2017-present – Colgate University – Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric
  • 2015-2017 – Colgate University – Visiting Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric
  • 2014-2015 - Cornish College of the Arts – Art & Design - Critical and Contextual Studies Faculty
  • 2014-2015 – University of Washington – English – Acting Instructor


Inscrutable Eating: Asian Appetites and the Rhetorics of Racial Consumption. Ohio State University Press, 2023. 

Writing in and about the Performing and Visual Arts: Creating, Performing, and Teaching, Co-edited with Steven J. Corbett, Betsy Cooper, and Teagan E. Decker. WAC Clearinghouse/Colorado State University Open Press. 2020.

Journal Articles 

(2022) "Race as supplement: Surfaces and crevices of the Asian feminine body" Quarterly Journal of Speech, Vol. 108, No. 3, pp. 251-270. 

(2020). “Winking at Excess: Violent Kinesiologies in Childish Gambino's ‘This is America’” Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 139-151.

 (2019). “Searching for Unseen Metic Labor in the Pussyhat Project.” Peitho. Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 144-156.

 (2017). “Uptaking Race: Genre, MSG, and Chinese Dinner.” POROI, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-23.

 (2016). “Mobile Bodies: Triggering Bodily Uptake Through Movement.” College Composition and Communication, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 292-316.

 (2014). “Somatic Metaphors: Embodied Recognition of Rhetorical Opportunities.” Rhetoric Review, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 362-380.

  • Rhetoric Society of America – Board of Directors (2022–present)
  • Editorial boards of Capacious, Present Tense, Quarterly Journal of Speech, and Xchanges 
  • Modern Language Association (2013–present)
  • Rhetoric Society of America (2009–present)
  • National Council of Teachers of English (2009–present)