We know you are busy getting ready for your arrival, and we hope you are reaching out to your new roommate(s) and getting excited for your next adventure. Orientation is coming soon, so we encourage you to download the Colgate App to take a peek at the schedule for your Residential Commons. Please also continue to refer to your New Student Checklist for upcoming items and make sure you are up-to-date on past due items.
Summer Reading - Due August 7
Please remember that this is your first college writing assignment and it's shared with your faculty adviser, so set aside some intentional time to complete the assignment. You can refresh yourself on the assignment here.
You can access your free digital copy on Colgate's Summer Reading website. Your email also has a message from "Vital Source" with a unique code to access your free e-book.
We are excited to meet you and we are busy preparing to welcome you to campus!
It's common for new students to have questions and I've heard from many of you already. Please reach out if you need more information at newstudents@coglate.edu.