Coleman Brown's Sermons to Be Published

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Cover of Coleman Brown's book shows a hooded person walking on the beach

Our Hearts Are Restless Till They Find Their Rest in Thee: Prophetic Wisdom in a Time of Anguish

Coleman Brown was professor of philosophy and religion and university chaplain at Colgate University for nearly three decades. A beloved teacher, minister, and mentor to generations of students and a scholar of social ethics, American religion, personal counseling methods and theory, theology, and preaching. Brown graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University and Union Theological Seminary. He apprenticed in the East Harlem Protestant Parish and pastored an inner-city church in Chicago, where he worked with the Chicago Freedom Movement, tenant action organizing collaboratives, and the anti-war movement. Brown was deeply committed to racial and social justice in the United States. His prophetic wisdom lives on through his many students and these writings.