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Yumiko Yamamoto
Lecturer in University Studies; Research Affiliate in Geography
Peer Reviewed Articles:
Daisaku Yamamoto and Yumiko Yamamoto. 2013. Community Resilience to a Developmental Shock: A Case Study of a Rural Village in Nagano, Japan. Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses. 1(2), 99-115.
Yumiko Wada, K.S. Rajan, Ryosuke Shibasaki. 2007. Modeling Spatial Distribution of Shifting Cultivation in Luangprabang, Lao P.D.R., Environment and Planning B, 34, 261-278.
Yumiko Wada and Masamu Aniya. 1995. Glacier variations in the Northern Patagonia Icefield between 1990/1991 and 1993/94, Bulletin of Glacier Research, 13, 111-119.
Book Chapter:
Yumiko Yamamoto. 2014. ゴルフ場開発をめぐる対立と戦略的対抗 (Conflicts and strategic oppositions over a golf course development). In Matsumura, K., Ishioka, T., and Murata, S. eds. 「開発とスポーツ」の社会学―開発主義を超えて― (Sociology of Development and Sports: Beyond Developmentalism). In Japanese.
Other Publications:
Yumiko Yamamoto. 2008. Sustainable Tourism Development in the Sleeping Bear Dune National Lakeshore Area. pp. 139-151. In Matsumura, K. ed. Jizokuteki Tsurizumu To Chiiki Kankyo Saisei Nikansuru Rironteki Jisshoteki Kenkyu (Sustainable Tourism and Regional Environmental Revitalization). Project funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant number: 17330108). In Japanese.