Co-editor with Steven G. Yao, Ezra Pound and Education (Orono: National Poetry Foundation, 2012)
- “Pound and Race,” in Ezra Pound in Context, ed. Ira Nadel (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 2010), 407-418
- “‘Fishing with the arid plain behind me’”: Difficulty, Deferral, and Form in The Waste Land, in A Companion to T. S. Eliot, ed. David Chinitz (Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009); 157-167
- Co-editor with Debra Rae Cohen & Jane Lewty, and contributor, Broadcasting Modernism (University of Florida Press, 2009) • Editor, Raymond Williams & Modernism (Keywords, 2002)
- “Hijacked Hits and Antic Authenticity,” in Rock over the Edge: Transformations of Popular Music, ed. Roger Beebee and Benjamin Saunders, introduction by Lawrence Grossberg (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002), 133-160.
- Editor, Ezra Pound and African American Modernism (NPF, 2001)
- Ezra Pound, Popular Genres, and the Discourse of Culture (Penn State Univ. Press, 1995)
- "Eliot on the Air: 'Culture' and the Challenges of Mass Communication," in Time Present and Time Past: T.S. Eliot and Our Turning World, ed. J.S. Brooker (Macmillan, 1999)
- "The European Radio Broadcasts of T.S. Eliot," (Miscellanea 20, 1999)
- "A Present with Innumerable Pasts: Postmodernity and the Tracing of Modernist Origins" (Review, 1996)
- "Organizing Organicism: J.A. Hobson and the Interregnum of Raymond Williams" (ELT, 1994)
- "Determining Frontiers: T.S. Eliot's Framing of the Literary Essays of Ezra Pound" (Modern Language Quarterly, 1989)
- "A Profounder Didacticism: Ruskin, Orage, and Pound's Reception of Social Credit" (Paideuma, 1988)
Others in American Literary Scholarship, ELH and The Dictionary of Literary Biography; reviews in American Literature, Ariel, ELT, Essays in Criticism, and Paideuma; regular contributions to Cadence: The Review of Blues, Jazz, & Creative Improvised Music.