"Human Rights Versus the American Right: The Secular Logic of the UDHR and the Making of a New Cultural Relativist Critique," forthcoming.
'"Religion' at the End of Roe v. Wade," forthcoming in the Journal of the American Academy of Religion.
"How COVID-19 Changed the World (of Free Exercise)," Journal of Church and State 64.4 (Autumn 2022): 562-580.
"A Tale of Two Burdens: COVID-19 and the Question of Religious Free Exercise," book chapter in An Epidemic on My People: Religion in the Age of COVID-19 (Temple University Press, 2022).
"The Secular Subject of Human Rights," book chapter in The Subject of Human Rights (Stanford University Press, 2020).
"'Honorable Religious Premises' and Other Affronts: Disputing Free Exercise in the Era of Trump," Studies in Law, Politics, and Society Volume 79 (2019): 31-54.
"Human Rights as a Narrative of Faith," in Religious Imaginations: How Narratives of Faith Are Shaping Today's World (London: Gingko Library, 2018).
"Traditional Marriage on Trial: The Supreme Court, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Fate of Secular Argumentation," Journal of Church and State 59.1 (Winter 2017): 81-101.
Seeing the Myth in Human Rights (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017).
"Sacred Institutions and Secular Law: The Faltering Voice of Religion in the Courtroom Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage," Journal of Church and State 56.2 (Spring 2014): 248-268.
"Political Myth and the Sacred Center of Human Rights: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Narrative of 'Inherent Human Dignity,'" Human Rights Review 12.2 (May 2011): 147-171.
"Radical Islam and Human Rights Values: A 'Religious-Minded' Critique of Secular Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood," Journal of the American Academy of Religion 78.2 (2010): 449-476.