Joshua Finnell

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Joshua Finnell

Associate University Librarian & Director of Research and Scholarly Initiatives in the University Libraries

Department/Office Information

300 D Case-Geyer

Joshua Finnell is a professor in the University Libraries who is interested in the evolving model of scholarly communication (the system by which researchers create, evaluate, disseminate, acknowledge, and preserve research and other scholarly works, encompassing both formal and informal channels). His research encompasses everything from applying network theory to research acknowledgements to evaluating software development and dataset creation as forms of scholarship for promotion and tenure. His research has received funding from the Institute of Library and Museum Services, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation,  Central New York Humanities Corridor, The Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation, The Lampert Institute for Civic and Global Affairs, and the Picker Interdisciplinary Science Institute. 

He was awarded a Bibliography Fellowship by the Modern Languages Association and named a Leading Change Institute Fellow by The Council on Library and Information Resources. In 2012, he was recognized as a Community Builder by Library Journal. Recently, he was appointed to serve a three-year term on the United States Federal Depository Library Council and named a professional affiliate of the Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life at the University of North Carolina.

Read more about Josh's research and work here.

  • BA, Washington University in St. Louis, 2002
  • MLA, Washington University in St. Louis, 2006
  • MLS, University of Illinois, 2007