David Murphy

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David Murphy

Assistant Professor of Economics

Department/Office Information

230 Persson Hall
  • W 3:00pm - 4:30pm (230 Persson Hall)
  • F 12:00pm - 1:30pm (230 Persson Hall)

I am an empirical researcher, and my work is grounded in microeconomic theory and focuses on economic development. I use applied econometrics, microeconomic theory, randomized control trials, and “lab-in-the-field” experiments to uncover the role of information in shaping economic behavior and decision making. In my current research, I investigate how information, social institutions, and group interventions affect behavior, health, peer networks, and social capital in a developing country context.

Personal website

  • PhD, Cornell University, 2018
  • MA, Tufts University, 2013
  • BA, State University of New York at Geneseo, 2009

Specialization: Microeconomic development. 

Subfields: Agriculture, social capital, health, networks, experimental economics.


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
  1. Murphy, D.M.A., Roobroeck, D., and Lee, D.R. (2024), “Show and Tell: Farmer Field Days and Learning about Inputs with Heterogeneous Yield Effects” European Review of Agricultural Economics 51(1), 91-127. doi:10.1093/erae/jbad042
  2. Murphy, D.M.A., Simons, A.M., Pypers, P., Chernet, M., and Roobroeck, D. (2023), “Plot Size Misperceptions and Soil Health: A New Research Agenda.” Soil Security 13, 100117. doi:10.1016/j.soisec.2023.100117 [Open Access]
  3. Murphy, D.M.A. (2023), “Sobriety, Social Capital, and Village Network Structures.” World Development 166, 106210. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106210
  4. Castilla, C. and Murphy, D.M.A. (2023), “Bidirectional Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from a List Experiment in Kenya.” Health Economics 32(1), 175-193. doi:10.1002/hec.4616
  5. Murphy, D.M.A., Nourani, V., and Lee, D.R. (2022), “Chatting at Church: Information Diffusion through Religious Networks.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 104(3), 449-464. doi:10.1162/rest_a_00969
  6. Murphy, D.M.A., Roobroek, D., Lee, D.R., and Thies, J. (2020), “Underground Knowledge: Estimating the Impacts of Soil Information Transfers through Experimental Auctions.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102(5), 1468-1493. doi:10.1111/ajae.12101
  7. Murphy, D.M.A, Berazneva, J., and Lee, D.R. (2018), “Fuelwood Source Substitution, Gender, and Shadow Prices in Western Kenya.” Environment and Development Economics 23(6), 655-678. doi:10.1017/S1355770X1800027X.
Book Chapter
  1. Murphy, D.M.A. and Scherr, S. (2023), “Economic and Policy Contexts for Biological Management of Soil Systems” in N. Uphoff and J. Thies (Eds.), Biological Approaches to Regenerative and Resilient Soil Systems (Second Edition): CRC Press.


Working Papers

  1. “Alcohol, Labor, and Agriculture.” Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy — Coverage in VoxDev and ETRM
  2. “A Changing Religious Landscape and Community Social Bonds” with V. Nourani and A. Simons.
  3. “Tipples and Quarrels in the Household: The Effect of an Alcohol Mitigation Intervention on Intimate Partner Violence” with C. Castilla and F. Aqeel.
  4. “Women Talking: Intimate Partner Violence, Group Discussions, and their Effects on Social and Economic Ties” with C. Castilla and F. Aqeel.
  5. "Women's Agency and Intrahousehold Efficiency" with C. Castilla and T. Chauhan.
  6. “Sobriety and Religion: Results from a Randomized Control Trial in Kenya”

Classes taught at Colgate

  • Seminar in Economic Development (ECON 438)
  • Economic Development (Econ 238)
  • Introduction to Economics (Econ 151)
  • Strategies for Global Sustainable Development (FSEM 187)