The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s (IACUC) primary responsibility is the oversight of procedures used for teaching and research involving the use of live animals.
The IACUC consists of representatives from select departments on campus in addition to an outside community member and the attending veterinarian. A faculty member from the Natural Science Division chairs the committee, which is overseen by the Provost and Dean of the Faculty.
Live Animal Use in Teaching and Research
The IACUC must review and approve all procedures for any teaching or research involving the use of live animals. Submissions to the committee can be made by filling out a protocol form and submitting it to the Committee Chair. Templates for writing a protocol are provided here: Colgate University IACUC Forms. After submission, the protocol will be reviewed by all committee members and will either be approved or disapproved. If the protocol is disapproved an explanation as well as guidance on protocol improvement will be given to the submitting party, who can then update the protocol and resubmit it for review. Any questions regarding the submission of a protocol should be sent to the Committee Chair: