EMS Schedulers can book or schedule a venue for you. Please see their contact information list or request a room with the button below.
Additional Services
You are responsible for contacting the appropriate office(s) with requests for ancillary services:
- 315-228-7130
- 315-228-7915 - Susie Huff, catering office supervisor
Primary and Backup Schedulers
Facility | Primary Schedulers / Backup Schedulers | Phone | |
100 Hamilton Street - Brown Commons | Only for SRS classes and approved by the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Global and Local Initiatives | ||
113 Broad Street (Hancock Commons) | Aizaz Faisal / Abby Palko | afaisal@colgate.edu/apalko@colgate.edu | 6608, 7873 |
113 Broad Street (Shaw Wellness) | Rebecca Ralph | wellness@colgate.edu | 6403 |
Academic Quad | Cassidy Rodman / Tammy Still | crodman@colgate.edu/tstill@colgate.edu | 7220, 7222 |
ALANA Cultural Center | Carly Dougher | cdougher@colgate.edu | 7330 |
Alumni Hall | Erin Conway | econway@colgate.edu | 7256 |
Bernstein Hall | Kathleen Stahl | kstahl@colgate.edu | 6607 |
Benton Hall | Izzie (Elizabeth) Stillwaggon / Helen Eaton | estillwaggon@colgate.edu/heaton@colgate.edu | 6774, 7906 |
Bookstore | Kelly Thomas / Tammy Ayers | kthomas@colgate.edu/tayers@colgate.edu | 7481, 7573 |
Brehmer Theater | Denise Pike / Chloe Ellison | dpike@colgate.edu/cjellison@colgate.edu | 7639, 7645 |
Bryan Complex - Hancock Commons | Aizaz Faisal / Abby Palko | afaisal@colgate.edu/apalko@colgate.edu | 6608, 7873 |
Burke Hall - Brown Commons | Meg D'Souza / Abby Palko | mdsouza@colgate.edu / apalko@colgate.edu | 4818, 7873 |
Burke / Pinchin Quad | Meg D'Souza / Abby Palko | mdsouza@colgate.edu/ apalko@colgate.edu | 4818, 7873 |
Case-Geyer | Haley Benson / Josh Rimmer | hbenson@colgate.edu/jrimmer@colgate.edu | 7361, 7301 |
Chapel House | Joan McCarthy | jmccarthy1@colgate.edu | 7675 |
Colgate Memorial Chapel (Memorial Chapel; Steps) | Lorraine Joseph / Chloe Ellison | ljoseph@colgate.edu/cjellison@colgate.edu | 7642, 7645 |
Colgate Memorial Chapel (Garden Level, Judd Chapel) | Alisha Duclos | aduclos@colgate.edu | 7682 |
Curtis Hall - Ciccone Commons | Yiduo He / Abby Palko | yhe@colgate.edu / apalko@colgate.edu | 6918, 7873 |
Dana (303) | Denise Pike / Chloe Ellison | dpike@colgate.edu / cjellison@colgate.edu | 7639, 7645 |
Dana (T10) | Lorraine Joseph / Chloe Ellison | ljoseph@colgate.edu/cjellison@colgate.edu | 7642, 7645 |
Drake Hall - Ciccone Commons | Yiduo He / Abby Palko | yhe@colgate.edu / apalko@colgate.edu | 6918, 7873 |
East Hall (109B) - Brown Commons | Cathy Sheridan-Lee | csheridanlee@colgate.edu | 6868 |
Hascall Hall (202) | Beth MacKinnon | bmackinnon@colgate.edu | 7276 |
Ho Science Center | René Beers | rbeers@colgate.edu | 7347 |
Huntington Gym (Wooster Room) | Lori Godshalk | lgodshalk@colgate.edu | 7783 |
Huntington Gym and Studios | Jason Longo | jlongo1@colgate.edu | 7059 |
Jane Pinchin Hall - Dart-Colegrove Commons | Marissa Bordonaro / Abby Palko | mbordonaro@colgate.edu / apalko@colgate.edu | 7372, 7873 |
J.C. Colgate Hall (108; Wayne King Room) | Lorraine Joseph / Chloe Ellison | ljoseph@colgate.edu/cjellison@colgate.edu | 7642, 7645 |
J.C. Colgate Hall (Hall of Presidents; Clark Room; Alton Lounge) | Taylor King | tking@colgate.edu | 6844 |
Lathrop Hall (107) | Cassidy Rodman / Tammy Still | crodman@colgate.edu/tstill@colgate.edu | 7220, 7222 |
Lathrop Hall (Room 5) | Denise Pike / Chloe Ellison | dpike@colgate.edu/cjellison@colgate.edu | 7639, 7645 |
Lathrop Hall (Floor 2) | Laura Billings | lcbillings@colgate.edu | 7807 |
Lathrop Hall (Floor 3 and 4) | Beth MacKinnon | bmackinnon@colgate.edu | 7276 |
Lawrence Hall | Beth MacKinnon | bmackinnon@colgate.edu | 7276 |
Lawrence Hall (305) | Beth MacKinnon | bmackinnon@colgate.edu | 7276 |
Little Hall | Katie Gigler | kgigler@colgate.edu | 7633 |
McGregory Hall (Floor 2) | René Beers | rbeers@colgate.edu | 7347 |
McGregory Hall (Floor 3) | Erin Conway | econway@colgate.edu | 7256 |
McGregory Hall (101 and 101A) | Shelley Wyman | mwyman@colgate.edu | 7216 |
Merrill House | Cassidy Rodman / Tammy Still | crodman@colgate.edu/tstill@colgate.edu | 7220, 7222 |
O'Connor Campus Center | Taylor King | tking@colgate.edu | 6844 |
Olin Hall | René Beers | rbeers@colgate.edu | 7347 |
Parker Apartments (Commons) | Taylor King | tking@colgate.edu | 6844 |
Persson Hall | Erin Conway | econway@colgate.edu | 7256 |
Residential Quad | Taylor King | tking@colgate.edu | 6844 |
Ryan Studio (101, 205, 221) | Katie Gigler | kgigler@colgate.edu | 7633 |
Ryan Studio (209, 210, 211, 212) | Denise Pike / Chloe Ellison | dpike@colgate.edu/cjellison@colgate.edu | 7639, 7645 |
Saperstein Jewish Center | Alisha Duclos | aduclos@colgate.edu | 7682 |
Wynn Hall | René Beers | rbeers@colgate.edu | 7347 |